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Overcoming Judgement

Jun 16, 2024

Hypocrisy and judgement go hand in hand.

Fit into my perfect box or alone you will stand.

It’s my way it proclaims, if you want back inside.

Family and friends- no matter, you’re not willing to hide.

Conformity is a thing of your past.

A wall broken through; a dark shadow no longer cast.

Betrayal and lies you’ll keep hidden for their sake.

Yet you’ll be the one blamed and burnt at the stake.

They’ll welcome those in who’ve done harm worse than you.

But you’ll be the martyr, for what they require, you’ll no longer do.

Excruciating as the exclusion can be…

You’ve realized the only opinion that matters is the one you call Me.




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Before you go, here are two more posts you'll want check out:

Overcoming Judgement

Jun 16, 2024


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